Debdeep Jena
Professor, Cornell Electrical and Computer Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering Departments
Graduate Field Faculty, Cornell Applied and Engineering Physics
In 2022 Spring I completed this textbook:
Quantum Physics of Semiconductor Materials and Devices [Cornell announcement, Amazon link, Google link, and Publisher’s link]
Professor 2015-Now Cornell University, ECE & MSE, AEP graduate field faculty
Professor 2003-2014 University of Notre Dame, EE
Ph.D. 2003 UCSB, ECE, Electronics and Photonics, Thesis
B.S. 1998 IIT Kanpur, EE major, Physics minor
Publications Group Conferences
Current research interests:
[Electronics] Nitride
Electronics, Ultrapolar/Ferro Semiconductors
[Electronics] Oxide
Electronics, 2D
Yuvi: [Photonics] UV
EpiQ: [Quantum computation] Super/Semi
Quantum Electronics
A short summary of our research translated to practical applications and of some waiting their turn. We are a semiconductor and superconductor materials and devices group. We explore the fundamental limits of computation, memory, and communications with semiconductor and superconductor based devices by exploiting and understanding new physics. The goal to make devices also requires, or results in, a deep theoretical understanding of electron transport, electron-phonon interactions, light-matter interactions, geometric and topological aspects of condensed matter physics, and correlated electron physics. We do a fair amount of theory and modeling to support and guide our experimental research.
2025 Spring ECE
4070/ECE 5350/MSE 6050 Physics
of Semiconductors and Nanostructures
2024 Fall ECE 4570/ECE 5360/MSE 5445 Semiconductor Electronic and Photonic Devices
Older classes [some with recorded lecture Videos].
I love teaching courses on Solid State Electronic and Photonic Devices (Transistors, LEDs and Lasers), Quantum Mechanics, Solid-State Physics, Electromagnetic Fields & Waves, and Materials Science of Semiconductors. Thanks to my students for Teaching awards.
I enjoy sharing the joy of the history of science and mathematics.
The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce and gives it some of the grace of tragedy. – Steven Weinberg