Spring 2016,
Cornell University
Departments of ECE and MSE, Cornell
T Th 8:40
– 9:55 am [+ some extras 8:40
– 9:55 am]
Location: Bard Hall 140, Official Links
Office hours: T Th
10-12 am
MSE 2620 or equivalent.
the course
The course provides comprehensive understanding
of compound semiconductors, stressing how differences from Silicon enable
unique applications in electronics, photonics, photovoltaics,
and thermoelectrics. The compound semiconductor
materials discussed include those from the semiconductor families of group IV (SiGe, SiC), III-V (GaAs, InP, GaN),
II-VI (ZnO, CdTe), and
layered semiconductors (MoS2, Bi2Se3, BN, etc), and will touch on organic and dilute magnetic
semiconductors. Methods of crystal growth, doping, strain control, and
fabrication will be discussed. Electronic bandstructure
will be used to develop band diagrams of complex heterostructures
and nanostructures including quantum wells, wires, and dots. Examples of
these semiconductor materials in electronic, photonic, thermoelectric, and
solar cell applications will be used to motivate the materials science.
Reading assignments will be prescribed
from the following texts:
- Materials
Science of Semiconductors (MSS, Angus Rockett)
- Quantum
Semiconductor Structures (QSS, Weisbuch and Vinter)
related materials
2) Lecture
videos: Of this course, recorded during Spring 2016
3) Lecture
videos: Of a related Short Course on Semiconductor Device Physics (SDP)
4) Semiconductors Today: Compound
Semiconductor research and industry news
5) Archive of semiconductor
material properties
6) 1D Poisson-Schrodinger solver for Energy
Band Diagrams
7) Slides/Materials
used in class for illustration
1 – Assignment
1 posted: 02/06/2016 due: 02/18/2016 solutions
2 – Assignment
2 posted: 02/27/2016 due: 03/09/2016 solutions
3 – Assignment
3 posted: 04/04/2016 due: 04/14/2016 solutions
4 – Assignment
4 posted: 04/18/2016 due: 04/29/2016 solutions
5 – Assignment
5 posted: 05/09/2016 due: 05/20/2016 solutions
assigned reading materials, and assigned videos
1: What compound semiconductors are, and what they do [Reading: MSS Chp 1 & QSS Chp 1, Video:
Lecture 1 of SDP]
2: Optical absorption spectra of atoms and semiconductors, electron
bandstructure [Reading: MSS Chp 2 & QSS Chp 2, Posted Slides]
3: Tight binding electron bandstructure for
Si, GaAs [Reading: MSS Chp
5 & QSS Chp 2, Posted Slides]
4: Review of basic semiconductor concepts: Dielectric Constants, DOS,
doping, transport [Reading: MSS Chp 2, Posted Slides]
5: Compound Semiconductors: Bandgaps &
lattice constants, Band offsets, heterostructures
& strain [Reading: Posted Slides]
6: Quantum design of Compound Semiconductor Heterostructures
[Reading: MSS Chp 2 & QSS Chp
2, Posted Slides]
7: Doping, heterojunction diodes, HEMTs,
LEDs, and energy band diagrams [Reading: MSS Chp 3
& QSS Chps 4, 5, papers 1, 2, 3
and Posted slides]
8: Use of self-consistent 1D-Poisson solvers for compound semiconductor
device design [QSS Chps 4, 5, paper
4, Posted slides]
9: Structural properties, entropy and spinodal
decomposition, defect thermodynamics vs kinetics [MSS
Chps 4, 6, 7, structure factor, paper
5, paper
6, paper
7, Posted slides]
10: Strain and dislocations in compound semiconductor heterostructures [MSS Chp 7, Tsao book chapters I, Posted slides]
11: Thermal conductivity of compound semiconductors, high thermal
conductivity semiconductors [SlackMorelli, Posted slides]
12: Epitaxial Growth, MBE and CVD, physics of crystal growth,
opportunities and challengs [MSS Chps
10 & 11, MBE_history, Arthur,
Tsao book chapters II, Posted slides]
Email: djena
at cornell dot edu if you have any questions